Installing latest preCICE in Linux HPC

Hi Everyone,

I am new user of preCICE. I am able to install and use preCICE in my local ubuntu PC.

However, I want it to be installed in a linux HPC, where I do not have admin rights. I want it to be installed locally in my home folder.

I tried installing using the source package and also using spack. I failed in both the approaches.

Is there any guide or tutorial to do this or could someone support me in doing this ?

Especially, I get this error when installing using spack.

Thank You.

Hi, sorry for the late reply. We have been very busy with the preCICE workshop.

Spack should be a good way to install preCICE. It looks like you are running into timeouts while downloading the packages.

You can try to download the required packages first by using fetch instead of install:

spack fetch precice

This should download everything first. Then you can install the spec in a separate command.

What issues do you encounter when trying to install preCICE from source? Logs are always helpful to understand what is going on. :slight_smile:


Sorry for the late reply. I was travelling.

1. Using Spack.
I tried your suggestion. Still I get the error as follows:

2. Using Source Package
In order to install from the source package, I need to load the dependencies. Some dependencies require me to load gcc/9.4 compiler. Someother dependency need me to load intel compiler. I am unable to load both these simulataneously in my HPC. Thus, I am unable to install using source package.

Thank you so much for your help.


This looks like there is a problem with PETSc and the used Fortran compiler. I recommend asking the PETSc team to solve this issue if you need PETSc.

Otherwise, try installing preCICE without PETSc first.

Also, note that GCC 9.4 is an old version and may be problematic when using a newer preCICE version. The current baseline for preCICE is Ubuntu 22.04, which ships GCC 11.2.

You can install a new GCC with spack, add it as a compiler and then install preCICE including dependencies with this new GCC version.

Have you tried asking the system admins to provide a preCICE module for you? This could save you some hassle.



Thanks a lot for your reply.

I have already installed gcc and PETSc using spack… Still facing this problem.

I have made a request to system admin to install preCICE in the HPC. It will take some time.

Thank You.

The last error message shows that spack is using gcc 9.4.0 though.
Also, have you tried using an older version of PETSc? spack install precice+petsc ^petsc@3.20?
Which error are you getting when installing preCICE without PETSc?


Thanks a lot for the reply.

I have installed preCICE in the HPC with the help of my system admin.

Now, I am trying to couple two OpenFOAM solvers using preCICE.

It seems that the two solvers are not able to communicate with each other.

I am new to preCICE. I will to learn and work with the configuration file.

If I do not succeed, I will come back to the forum.

Thanks a lot for your kind replies.

With Thanks,
Deepak Selvakumar R.

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