FSI: OpenFOAM adapter with interFOAM

Unfortunately, the simulation diverge after time 0.5[s].
Moreover, the max Courant number is very low except that in water collision against the wall (more or less at time 0.2[s] to 0.26[s]).


For this reason I would like to perform some stop and restart for the coupling simulation.
In other discourse, I read that CalculiX wrote restart file only at the end of the simulation. Moreover in my tests it write only if I put:


If I use the same save frequency like the output results (that in my case in 200) even at the end of the simulation CalculiX doesn’t write nothing.


Ok, now I’m trying with this strategies:

  1. start the coupling with a dt=1[ms] till t=0.18[s]. In this case the max Courant is below 0.7.
  2. restart the coupling with a dt=0.05[ms] till t=0.26[s] (ending phase of the water collision).

My question is:

how do I have to consider the max-time in the precice-config.xml?
At the beginning I thought it like a total time, but the coupling didn’t stop at 0.26[s] like I expected.
I beleive to understood that:

  1. OF consider the time like a total time
  2. while CalculiX and preCICE consider it like an additional time.

So I changed my config file in this way:

  1. OF: endTime 0.26;
  2. CalculiX: dt = 0.05e-3; tfin = 0.08
  3. preCICE: max-time value=“0.08”

Is it right?