Error installing the code_aster adapter

Hi @Makis
I’m trying to install the adapter for code_aster and I had problems too.
I followed the indicated steps using pip3 install --user pyprecice== because I was already using this libprecice in the OpenFOAM-CalculiX couplings.
But I still have an error in the cyprecice module when trying to run the tutorial case.
CR phase d’initialisation
!!! !!!
! erreur non prevue et non traitee prevent maintenance !
! Traceback (most recent call last): !
! File “/home/danieldfs/CAE/salome_meca_2019/V2019_univ/tools/ !
! Code_aster_stable-v144_smeca/lib/aster/Noyau/”, line 225, in !
! exec_compile !
! exec(self.proc_compile, self.g_context) !
! File “fort.1”, line 7, in !
! from adapter import * !
! File “/home/danieldfs/CAE/salome_meca_2019/V2019_univ/tools/ !
! Code_aster_stable-v144_smeca/lib/aster/Execution/”, line 8, in !
! !
! import price !
! File “/home/danieldfs/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/precice/”, !
! line 4, in !
! from cyprecice import Interface, action_read_iteration_checkpoint, !
! action_write_iteration_checkpoint, action_write_initial_data, !
! get_version_information !
! ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘cyprecice’ !
!!! !!!
fin CR phase d’initialisation

I’m using the SalomeMeca 2019 installation. I’ve been using this version for a long time.
You can help me?

Hi @Daniel_Sias,

I forgot to answer, as I cannot think of what could be going wrong. I have very limited experience with the code_aster adapter. Do you still have this issue? If you managed to solve it, how?

Did you check whether the Python bindings work by itself? You could run the Python solver dummy for testing. You seem to run an older version of Python:

The old Python version might be an issue. So testing the Python bindings independently could help.

Independent of the Python bindings you should consider moving to a newer Python release. Python 3.6 is not supported anymore and also Python 3.7 drops out of support soon.

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