Connection never accepted

I’m attempting to couple OpenFAOM (v2006) and CalculiX (2.17). I can successfully run the 3d tube case with preCICE 2.2.0 and the adapters I have compiled. However, when I attempt my own FSI problem I am never able to get the two solvers to fully connect. The connection file is written and it appears an open port has been selected, but the CalcuiX solver never accepts the connection request from OpenFOAM. My OpenFOAM solution continues to churn, but the CalculiX solver just hangs. I left it running like this for over 24 hours and nothing ever came of it.

Here are some relevant files:
fluid.log (20.8 KB)
solid.log (939 Bytes)
precice-config.xml (2.7 KB)
debug.log (Google Drive link)


it looks like OpenFOAM does not call preCICE. Is the OF adapter loaded in the controlDict? You can see here in the Load the Adapter in the documentation: Configure the OpenFOAM adapter | preCICE - The Coupling Library

Looking at the config file, I would also suggest increasing max-used-iterations value to somewhere between 50 and 100. For some iterations, if more than 10 iterations are necessary then data will be lost with the IQN-IMVJ method.

Indeed, this was the issue for those log files. I’m back to this issue:

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