************************************************************ CalculiX Version 2.15, Copyright(C) 1998-2018 Guido Dhondt CalculiX comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions, see gpl.htm ************************************************************ You are using an executable made on Sa 15. Dez 15:34:34 CET 2018 Decascading the MPC's Determining the structure of the matrix: number of equations 21153 number of nonzero lower triangular matrix elements 106662 Starting CHT analysis via preCICE... About to enter preCICE setup in Calculix with names Solid and config.yml Setting up preCICE participant Solid, using config file: config.yml ---[precice]  This is preCICE version 2.1.0 ---[precice]  Revision info: v2.1.0-2-g42abc38c ---[precice]  Configuring preCICE with configuration "precice-config.xml" ---[precice]  I am participant "Solid" Set ID Found Set ID Found Setting node connectivity for nearest projection mapping: Read data 'Sink-Temperature-Inner-Fluid' found. Read data 'Heat-Transfer-Coefficient-Inner-Fluid' found. Write data 'Sink-Temperature-Solid' found. Write data 'Heat-Transfer-Coefficient-Solid' found. Set ID Found Set ID Found Setting node connectivity for nearest projection mapping: Read data 'Sink-Temperature-Outer-Fluid' found. Read data 'Heat-Transfer-Coefficient-Outer-Fluid' found. Write data 'Sink-Temperature-Solid' found. Write data 'Heat-Transfer-Coefficient-Solid' found. ---[precice]  Setting up master communication to coupling partner/s ---[precice]  Masters are connected ---[precice]  Setting up preliminary slaves communication to coupling partner/s ---[precice]  Receive global mesh Inner-Fluid-to-Solid ---[precice]  Receive global mesh Outer-Fluid-to-Solid ---[precice]  Prepare partition for mesh Solid-to-Inner-Fluid ---[precice]  Gather mesh Solid-to-Inner-Fluid ---[precice]  Send global mesh Solid-to-Inner-Fluid ---[precice]  Prepare partition for mesh Solid-to-Outer-Fluid ---[precice]  Gather mesh Solid-to-Outer-Fluid ---[precice]  Send global mesh Solid-to-Outer-Fluid ---[precice]  Setting up slaves communication to coupling partner/s ---[precice]  Slaves are connected ---[precice]  Inner-Fluid: it 1 | dt# 1 | t 0 of 500 | dt 1 | max dt 1 | ongoing yes | dt complete no | write-initial-data | Outer-Fluid: it 1 | dt# 1 | t 0 of 500 | dt 1 | max dt 1 | ongoing yes | dt complete no | write-initial-data | Initializing coupling data Adapter writing coupling data... ASSERTION FAILED Location: void precice::impl::SolverInterfaceImpl::writeBlockScalarData(int, int, const int*, const double*) File: /home/prasad/Downloads/precice/src/precice/impl/SolverInterfaceImpl.cpp:1116 Rank: 0 Failed expression: valueIndices != nullptr 0# getStacktrace[abi:cxx11]() in /usr/local/lib/libprecice.so.2 1# precice::impl::SolverInterfaceImpl::writeBlockScalarData(int, int, int const*, double const*) in /usr/local/lib/libprecice.so.2 2# precice::SolverInterface::writeBlockScalarData(int, int, int const*, double const*) in /usr/local/lib/libprecice.so.2 3# precicec_writeBlockScalarData in /usr/local/lib/libprecice.so.2 4# 0x00005649513937C5 in ccx_preCICE 5# 0x0000564951394B5E in ccx_preCICE 6# 0x000056495137E4C4 in ccx_preCICE 7# 0x00005649511D2D0F in ccx_preCICE 8# __libc_start_main in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 9# 0x00005649511DB07A in ccx_preCICE ccx_preCICE: /home/prasad/Downloads/precice/src/precice/impl/SolverInterfaceImpl.cpp:1116: void precice::impl::SolverInterfaceImpl::writeBlockScalarData(int, int, const int*, const double*): Assertion `false' failed. [XDEM-laptop:16264] *** Process received signal *** [XDEM-laptop:16264] Signal: Aborted (6) [XDEM-laptop:16264] Signal code: (-6) [XDEM-laptop:16264] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x128a0)[0x7f49d9a678a0] [XDEM-laptop:16264] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(gsignal+0xc7)[0x7f49d8f25f47] [XDEM-laptop:16264] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(abort+0x141)[0x7f49d8f278b1] [XDEM-laptop:16264] [ 3] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x3042a)[0x7f49d8f1742a] [XDEM-laptop:16264] [ 4] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x304a2)[0x7f49d8f174a2] [XDEM-laptop:16264] [ 5] /usr/local/lib/libprecice.so.2(_ZN7precice4impl19SolverInterfaceImpl20writeBlockScalarDataEiiPKiPKd+0x444)[0x7f49db20078c] [XDEM-laptop:16264] [ 6] /usr/local/lib/libprecice.so.2(_ZN7precice15SolverInterface20writeBlockScalarDataEiiPKiPKd+0x41)[0x7f49db1c2933] [XDEM-laptop:16264] [ 7] /usr/local/lib/libprecice.so.2(precicec_writeBlockScalarData+0xce)[0x7f49db2c62db] [XDEM-laptop:16264] [ 8] ccx_preCICE(+0x1cc7c5)[0x5649513937c5] [XDEM-laptop:16264] [ 9] ccx_preCICE(+0x1cdb5e)[0x564951394b5e] [XDEM-laptop:16264] [10] ccx_preCICE(+0x1b74c4)[0x56495137e4c4] [XDEM-laptop:16264] [11] ccx_preCICE(+0xbd0f)[0x5649511d2d0f] [XDEM-laptop:16264] [12] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xe7)[0x7f49d8f08b97] [XDEM-laptop:16264] [13] ccx_preCICE(+0x1407a)[0x5649511db07a] [XDEM-laptop:16264] *** End of error message ***