Two norm diff = 1 at first timestep of FSI simulation

Hi @DavidSCN ,
thank you for your comments:

No, the coupling is set to serial implicit.

The solver itself has been already validated in stand-alone mode, but;

it has a built-in way to checkpoint and advance and I am relying on it. AFAIK it has been tested in the past mostly with explicit coupling and there might be some issue there. At the moment I don’t checkpoint in the adapter. I simply perform:

  1. read coupling data: i.e. forces
  2. send forces to the solver
  3. perform a calculation step
  4. extract interface displacements form the solver
  5. send displacements to the interface
  6. advance
  7. at convergence check: I tell the solver whether the timestep has converged (advance) or not (reload) and I am relying on this for checkpoint.

If I am not wrong my coupling data (i.e. interface displacements) are always overwritten by the solver and I don’t need to checkpoint them. I should checkpoint the state of the structural solver, but it should be built-in. Probably I need to investigate better this part of the code.
Thank you