Multiple flaps case with OpenFoam and CalculiX

This makes sense. The case runs now and deforms as follows:

It is coupling well, but now I am wanting to address an issue that I have seen many posts on but no one solution.
As you can see, this has deformed by 10e-1 (0.01 secs) and then failed. This means that I have to map (restart) this 100 times to get to the end results at 1 sec. Is there a way to have this run longer without getting the mesh to tangle up so fast and fail?
I am currently following the procedure for restarting the case:

  • I export the deformed fluid mesh and recreate the fluid domain using it.
  • This is imported back to OF and then I mapfields from the last timestep run to the new folder with the deformed mesh.
    -I also export the deformed solid geometry into PrePoMax and recreate node sets
  • import back deformed geometry into CCX and then run the coupled case.

For CalculiX, since the case fails abruptly, no .rout file is created hence, I use this approach. Of course, I am only now realizing that this might not be the best way to restart the case. Will it still give the same results? (maybe not :frowning: )

I looked at the following posts about restarting a simulation:
How can I restart a coupled simulation? - Using preCICE - preCICE Forum on Discourse
Restarting coupled FSI simulation with preCICE - Using preCICE - preCICE Forum on Discourse
FSI with CalculiX and OpenFOAM: Preload and pre-deformation of solid - Using preCICE - preCICE Forum on Discourse
CalculiX coupling Restart mode (
Seems as though my fluid side set up for restart is fine, but the Calculix side is questionable. I re-ran the case to have a .rout file and then restart the CCX side without regeneration of mesh but the case fails at first timestep.
What may I do to prevent this from happening?

Would appreciate any help