How to configure one-way coupling

Hi Titan,

it is not easy to find out what exactly is going wrong. Since I am neither an experienced OpenFOAM nor CalculiX user, debugging the whole case is something I cannot do. As far as possible, some hopefully helpful comments from my side:

The example explained above by @Makis is not a tutorial, but more a guideline how to turn a two-way-coupling setup into a one-way-coupling. The general approach is correct, but since it is not a tested tutorial, we cannot really promise that there are no bugs hiding in one or the other component.

What components do we have to consider?

  • I ran your precice-config.xml with the C++ solverdummy and it worked. This means on the preCICE (library) side everything looks good.
  • Additionally, there are the two adapters (OpenFOAM and CalculiX). Since one-way-coupling is a feature that is rarely used, there might be a bug in one of the two adapters.

Unfortunately, adapters are always a bit hard to debug on their own… One possibility is to run the OpenFOAM adapter + solverdummy or CalculiX adapter + solverdummy. This allows us to cancel out one side of the problem. As soon as we know whether there is a bug in one of there two adapters (or if we are extremely unlucky and both adapters are buggy), we could also open an issue in one of the adapter repositories and try to fix the bug.

However, I think this brings us pretty far away from the original topic of this thread. If you want me to provide some more details on how to debug an adapter, you can also open another topic.